Articles About Us

Published articles about my use of legal technology


American Bar Association Journal:  Download:  ABA Journal Profile.pdf

Adobe Corporation:   Download:  Adobe Acrobat Success Story  Kashi Law Offices.pdf

Lexis-Nexis CaseSoft:  Download:  Lexis-Nexis CaseSoft – Using CaseMap for complex personal injury cases.pdf

Also found on the web at:

Over the years, some of my technology articles on electronic discovery and other legal technology trends have ben cited by publications of the United States Judicial Conference and Federal Judicial Center as guidance for federal trial judges and by various university publications, such as Harvard Law School.

See, for example:…/ElecDi01.pdf…/grenig.html

You might also find the following articles of interest:

“The Role of Deterrance in Disarmament”, Chapter 8 by Joseph Kashi,

in “The Dynamics of the Arms Race” ,  Edited by Carlton, et al, Halsted Press, 1974

Chapter 8 discusses how then-current theories of supposedly fail-safe “rational actor” nuclear deterrence proved unsound both theoretically and in real life.  This paper, presented at a 1972 Conference at the University of Padua, suggests in summary form practical diplomatic and military lessons to be drawn from the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis, both of which had a significant probability of spiraling out of control into a possible nuclear war.  It is a conceptual summary that evolved into my 1973 graduate school thesis at MIT.

DownloadThe Role of Deterrence in Disarmament.pdf

How current economic conditions may result in the growth of “virtual law firms”.  (link broken, needs replaced)

Computer security and safeguarding privacy: